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Quizzes: know more about the different game modes
Quizzes: know more about the different game modes
Updated over a week ago

Regarding Quizzes, how many game modes can I use?

GFoundry has 4 quiz game modes: Classic, Genius, Ladder and Battle mode.

  • Questions that can be in text, images, sounds and small animations with animated GIFs.

  • The answers are given through 2, 3 or 4 options, presented in text format.

How do these 4 quiz game modes work?

1. The Classic game mode

How the Classic game work?

To finish the Classic game the user must finish all the levels available.

How many levels does the Classic game include?

The number of levels must be defined in Classic mode settings.

How many questions in each level?

The number of questions must be defined in Classic mode settings.

How to pass each level?

To pass each level the player must answer correctly the minimum number of questions defined in Classic mode settings.

How does the platform calculate the points for the Classic game?

To determine points for the Classic game, the following variables are taken into consideration:

  • Points for each correct answer

  • Points for quick answer (answer in the first 5 seconds)

  • Points for slow answer

  • Level overpass multiplier (multiplies the points for the above variables by X when a user complete the level)

2. The Genius game mode

How Genius game work?

In the Genius game the player has less time to answer, to finish the level the player must answer all of the questions correctly.

How many levels does the Genius game include?

The number of levels must be defined in Genius mode settings.

How many questions in each level?

The number of questions must be defined in Genius mode settings.

How to pass each level?

To pass each genius level the player must answer all questions correctly.

The number of questions that the player must answer correctly to pass each level must be defined in Genius mode settings

How does the platform calculate the points for the Genius game?

To determine the points for the Genius game, the following variable is used:

  • Points given for each genius level passed

3. The Ladder Game mode

How the Ladder game work?

In the Ladder game the player must climb the ladder of questions and never lose.

The player will conquer levels of comfort at 25%, 50% and 75% of the ladder. When the player answers wronlgy he will go back to the level of confort obtained up until then.

Can I have an example to understand better?

Sure! Ladder game with 100 ladders (questions): I have made it to ladder 29 (answering correctly 28 questions) and lost. In this case I will go back to question 25.

How many questions does each Ladder game have?

The number of questions (ou ladders) of the Ladder game can be defined in Ladder mode settings.

How to playoff?

The points for the Ladder game are determined by the level the player arrives successfully at and the time used.

How does the platform calculate the points for the Ladder game?

To determine points for the Ladder game, the following variables are taken into consideration:

  • Points for each ladder conquered

  • Points for arriving at 25%

  • Points for arriving at 50%

  • Points for arriving at 75%

  • Points for arriving at 100%

(end of game)

4. The Battle game mode

How to play the Battle game?

In the game mode Battle one player challenges another to play a choosen quizz.

The first to play is the challenger after he finishes the challenged player will be notified that it is now his turn.

Who wins a Battle?

A player wins a battle if he answers correctly more questions than his opponent. In case of a tie the variable total time will be taken into account.

Who looses a Battle?

The player that looses a battle will loose a certain number X of points. These points can be defined in Battle mode settings.

How many questions in the Battle game?

The number of questions can be defined in Battle mode settings.

How does the platform calculate the points for the Battle game?

To determine points for the Battle game, the following variables are taken into consideration:

  • Points for each Battle won

  • Points lost for each lost Battle

Can I use a excel file to create a new Quiz and them upload it?


  • Quizzes can be created using an excel file, with .XLS extension (if you use a .XLSX extension it will not work!).

  • The structure of the file must be maintained according to the example below.

  • The file can be imported into the backoffice using the “Import quiz” button, available on the backoffice Learn Content editing page.

How do points and rankings work in the Learn module?

The Rankings in Learn module is a list of the players with more points, available in 3 different ways:

  1. List of individual position for each player

  2. List of the postition of each Tribe

  3. List of the position of each Team

There are 2 types of rankings in Learn Module: 1) General rankings; 2) Quiz’s rankings.

How are general rankings calculated?

General rankings are calculated with the following variables:

  • Points for conquering the Classic Game

  • Points for conquering the Ladder Game

  • Points for conquering the Genius Game

  • Points for each Battle won

  • Points subtracted for each Battle lost

How are the rankings calculated for each Quiz Game Mode?

The rankings for each quizz is calculayed by the individual points for each game mode:

Classic Game ranking:

  • Points for each correct answer

  • Points for quick answer (answer in the first 5 seconds)

  • Points for slow answer

  • Level overpass multiplier (multiplies the points for the above variables by X when I pass the level)

Genius Game ranking:

  • Points given for each genius level passed

Ladder Game ranking:

  • Points for each ladder conquered

  • Points for arriving at 25%

  • Points for arriving at 50%

  • Points for arriving at 75%

  • Points for arriving at 100%

  • (end of game)

Battle Game ranking:

  • Points for each Battle won

  • Points lost for each lost Battle

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