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Gamification Engine - Managing Badges and Setting Triggers
Gamification Engine - Managing Badges and Setting Triggers

Your Badges Management Page

Updated over 10 months ago

What is this page about?

With the Gamification Engine you can reward your community by setting milestones, setup badges, build a virtual coins ecosystem, organize users according to their performance using leaderboards and other tools to design a true gamified impactful project.

You can reward your users by associating a badge with a specific action or goal achievement. Badges can be triggered by external events, such as rewarding a user for visiting your company’s website.

On this help page you will be able to:

In this help page we will explain you what are Badges and how they can be used in the platform as well as how to create and configure the correct triggers depending on what you wish to do.

What is a Badge?

A Badge is a virtual element that can be associated with points and virtual currency, and can be used to reward when someone achieve a specific milestone.

When that appends, the GFoundry platform launches a trigger and give a specific badge to the user. Know more about the triggers here!

Also, you can reward your users by associating a badge with a specific action or goal achievement. Badges can be triggered by external events, such as rewarding a user for visiting your company’s website.

You can also create silent badges, which can assign rewards without the need to be associated with any physical image.

How to create a badge?

Creating a new badge is a simple and quick process.

Name: badge name. This name will apear on lists in backoffice.

Is silent? Silent badges do not appear to users, they are only used to progress on missions or to silently give points or coins to users. If you activate this option you don't need to have a associated image, title & descriptions.

Image: badge image. We recommend the use of round images to represent the Badges.

  • Image recomended measurements: 500x500px

  • Format: Transparent PNG or JPG

Title: badge title. This tittle will apear in apps for the users.

Description: badge description. This will be the text that will appear before the users win the badge.

Win text: text that appears after user conquer the badge.

Module: each module has its own triggers. Please see below for more details.

#Occurrence: Number of trigger actions required to earn the badge.

Ponts: Number of points earned with the badge.

Coins: Number of coins earned with the badge.

Max. Wins: How many times can one user get achieve the badge

Under the option "Badge Image" you will be able to upload a badge image as stated before, but you will also have the possibility to add one of our standard images. To do this, press the "Gallery" button and you will be able to choose one of our images for your new badge.

Watch the video "How to create a GFoundry Badge":

Badges Triggers List

In configuring a new badge, the module selection field allows you to specify the module you wish to associate with your badge.

After making your selection, you will have the option to define a trigger for the badge.

This trigger will determine the action that attributes the badge to the user once it is completed.

Learn Module Triggers:

Milestone name


First login

First time user enters the platform

Battle win

When a user wins a battle

Battle win on quiz

When a user wins a specific battle

quizzes played

When a user plays n quizzes

Quizzes played with N correct answers

When a user plays a quiz with N correct answers on Classic mode

Quizzes played on N categories

When a user plays quizzes on N categories using Classic mode

Finished a quiz ladder

when a user finishes a specific quiz in ladder mode

Finished any quiz ladder mode

When a user finishes any quiz ladder mode

Finished a quiz classic mode

When a user finishes a specific quiz classic mode

Finished any quiz classic mode

When a user finishes any quiz classic mode

Finished a quiz genius mode

When a user finishes a specific quiz genious mode

Finished any quiz genius mode

When a user finishes any quiz genious mode

N levels passed on any quiz

When a user passes N levels on any quiz

N levels passed on a quiz

When a user passes N levels on a quiz

Watch any video

When a user watch any youtube video

Watch a video

When a user watch a specific youtube video

Read a PDF

When a user read a specific PDF

Read any PDF

When a user read any PDF

Any Certificate awarded

When a user earns any certificate

Certificate awarded

When a user earns a specific certificate

External trigger (URL)

When a specifc URL is clicked

Finished an external Learn Content

When a user finished an specific external Learn Content

Finished any external Learn Content

When a user finished any external Learn Content

Start an external Learn Content

When a user start an specific external Learn Content

Start any external Learn Contenty

When a user start any external Learn Content

Recognition Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Endorsement received for specific hard skill

When a user receives an endorsement for a specific hard skill

Endorsement received for specific soft skill

When a user receives an endorsement for a specific soft skill

Receive an endorsement

When a user receives an endorsement (hard skill or hard skill)

Make a review

When a user makes a review (give someone a star badge and right a review)

Make an endorsement in a specific soft skill

When a user makes an specific endorsement in a soft skill

Make an endorsement

When a user makes an endorsement (hard skill or hard skill)

Receive a start badge

When a user receives an endorsement for a specific soft skill

Receive a specific start badge

When a user receives an endorsement for a specific soft skill

Goals Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Complete a personal goal

When a user completes a personal goal

Complete a professional goal

When a user completes a professional goal

Complete a self personal goal

When a user completes a self created personal goal

Send a professional challenge

When a user sends a professional challenge

Invest in challenge

When a user invests in a challenge

Manager assigns a goal

when a team member receives a goal from his manager

Comparisons Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Make n comparisons

When a user make n comparisons

Finish a comparison cycle

When a user make all possible comparisons in a comparison cycle

Top elected item

When a product elected by the user is the product elected by all users in the end of a comparison cycle

Forms & Surveys Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Make a contribution

When a user make a specific contribution type

Make any contribution

When a user make any contribution type

Approved contribution

When a user contribution type change to “Approved” status

Approved any contribution

When any user contribution type change to “Approved” status

Success contribution

When a user specific contribution type change to “Success” status

Success any contribution

When a user contribution type change to “Success” status

Innovation Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Submit an idea in a specific innovation type

When a user submit an idea in a specific innovation type

Submit an idea

When a user submit an idea in any innovation type

Idea changes state do “Approved” in a specific innovation type

When an idea changes state do “Approved” status in a specific innovation type

Idea changes state do “Approved”

When an idea changes state do “Approved” status

Idea changes state do “Success” in a specific innovation type

When an idea changes state do “Success” status in a specific innovation type

Idea changes state do “Success”

When an idea changes state do “Success” status in a any innovation type

Make n comments

When a user make n comments in others ideas

Receive n comment stars

When a user receive n comment stars in his comments in other ideas.

Receive n likes in all innovations types

When a user receive n likes in his ideias in all innovations types

Receive n likes in an innovation type

When a user receive n likes in his ideias in a specific innovation type

Engagement Thermometer Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Submit an assessment

When a user submit a specific assessment

Submit any assessment

When a user submit any assessment

Submit a pulse survey

When a user submit a pulse survey questionnaire

Feedback Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Ask for feedback on a specific scope

When a user ask for a feedback on a specific scope

Ask for feedback

When a user ask for a feedback on any scope

Give feedback on a specific scope

When a user five feedback on a specific scope

Give feedback

When a user five feedback on any scope

OKRs Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Create an objective

When a user creates an objective

Complete an objective

When a user completes an objective

Competitions Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Win a competition

When a user Wins a competition

Finish a competition on the 2nd place

When a user Finish a competition on the 2nd place

Finish a competition on the 3rd place

When a user Finish a competition on the 3rd place

Finish a competition on the 4th place

When a user Finish a competition on the 4th place

Finish a competition on the 5th place

When a user Finish a competition on the 5th place

Finish a competition on the (n) place

When a user Finish a competition on the (n) place

Win any competition

When a user Win any competition

Finish any competition on the 2nd place

When a user Finish any competition on the 2nd place

Finish any competition on the 3rd place

When a user Finish any competition on the 3rd place

Finish any competition on the 4th place

When a user Finish any competition on the 4th place

Finish any competition on the 5th place

When a user Finish any competition on the 5th place

Finish any competition on the (n) place

When a user Finish any competition on the (n) place

Win a competition in team

When a user Wins a competition in team

Finish a competition on the 2nd place in team

When a user Finish a competition on the 2nd place in team

Finish a competition on the 3rd place in team

When a user Finish a competition on the 3rd place in team

Finish a competition on the 4th place in team

When a user Finish a competition on the 4th place in team

Finish a competition on the 5th place in team

When a user Finish a competition on the 5th place in team

Finish a competition on the (n) place in team

When a user Finish a competition on the (n) place in team

Win any competition in team

When a user Wins any competition in team

Finish any competition on the 2nd place in team

When a user Finish any competition on the 2nd place in team

Finish any competition on the 3rd place in team

When a user Finish any competition on the 3rd place in team

Finish any competition on the 4th place in team

When a user Finish any competition on the 4th place in team

Finish any competition on the 5th place in team

When a user Finish any competition on the 5th place in team

Finish any competition on the (n) place in team

When a user Finish any competition on the (n) place in team

Evaluation & Carrers Module Triggers:

Milestone name


Finish a touchpoint

When a user finish a specific touchpoint

Finish any touchpoint

When a user finish a any touchpoint

Finish an evaluation

When a user finish a specific evaluation

Finish any evaluation

When a user finish any evaluation

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