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Learn - Quiz Settings & Quiz Issues

Your quiz settings page

Updated over a week ago

What is this page about?

In this page you can edit the settings regarding quizzes, there are 5 sub-pages, one for each game mode and another for the global ranking.

On this help page you will be able to:

In this help page you will learn how to configure the settings for quizzes properly, as well as learn how to identify the issues related to the quizzes.

Classic Mode:

Here you will see all the settings regarding the classic game mode.

  • Under General you will be able to set the number of levels you want the quizzes to have, the number of correct answers to pass each level, the amount of question per level and the amount of time (in seconds) a users has to answer each question. You will also be able to chose the option to show the user a explanations for the correct answer.

  • Under Points you will be able to set the amount of point a user gets for each right answer, adicional points fast and slow answers a the level multiplier (When you level up the points earned are multiplied by this value).

  • Under Helps you will be able to set the amount of helps available to the player and their cost (in coins). The "Right answer" help gives the user the correct answer, the "Remove wrong answer" removes one of the wrong choices, the "Skip question" lets the user move to the next question without penalisation, and the "More time" adds the amount of seconds set in "More time in seconds" option to the clock. In the right side of each help you will be able to set the price for each help in coins.

  • Game Rules, let's you write a brief explanation of the game rules to the user (HTML is allowed).

Genius Mode:

In the Genius mode the "helps" menu and "game rules" menu do the same as in the classic mode. Whoever the "General" settings and the "Points" setting work differently.

  • Under General setting you can set the maximum number of level, the amount of questions per level and how many time (in seconds) the user has per question. And again you can chose to show a explanation for each correct answer.

  • Under Points you will be able to set the amount of points the player wins per level.

Ladder Mode:

In the Ladder Mode the diference will also be in the General and Points settings.

  • Under General you will have the option to select the number of questions per game and the time a user has to answer each question (in seconds).

  • Under the points settings you will be able to set the amount of points the player gets for each completed level as well as the amount of points for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% levels completed. In this game mode each question is viewed as a level.

Battle Mode:

Under the Battle Mode settings you will have different parameters in the General, Points and Helps menus.

  • Under "General" you will be able to set if the Battle mode is available of not, the number of questions per battle and the time the users have to answer each question (in seconds).

  • Under Points, you can set the amount of points for the winner and the amount of points the other player loses.

  • Under Helps you will be able to set the amount of helps available to the player and their cost (in coins). The "Right answer" help by giving the user the correct answer, the "Remove wrong answer" removes one of the wrong choices and the "More time" adds the amount of seconds set in "More time in seconds" option to the clock. In the right side of each help you will be able to set the price for each help in coins.

Quiz Global Ranking:

Under the "Quiz Global Ranking" page you will be able to set the amount of points a user gets after completing each game mode. This points are used to rank users, tribes and team.

Learn - Quiz Issues

In the Quiz issues page you can have access to all the issues reported regarding quizzes. You will be able to see who reported the issue, the date and which quiz was being played.

By pressing the actions button you can view more details or delete the issue. You can see an exemple below:

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