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Tribes & Teams

Your Tribes Overview Page

Updated over a week ago

With this page you can:

This page will help you to manage, create and edit Tribes and Teams.

What is the difference between Tribes, Groups, Teams and Departments?

  • Tribes: Tribes can group users by areas of ​​interest, and imply voluntary action by the users – each user will choose the tribe he want to belong to. All points that users collect within GFoundry will be added to the Tribe they belong to, helping their Tribe to rise in the rankings. Tribes can only be created by the backoffice administrator.

  • Groups: Groups in GFoundry segment content, access, features and modules by different users. They do not appear in the frontend and can only be created and managed by backoffice administrators.

  • Teams: Teams can be used to replicate the organizational structure of a company, and users can be grouped by internal departments. Teams when activated in GFoundry are also listed in the rankings listings.

  • Departments: the Department entity is above the teams. A department can be for example branches of a company that have similar teams between them, that is, similar but independent organizational structures. Home team can be associated with one department only.

What is a Tribe?

Tribes can group users by areas of ​​interest, and imply voluntary action by the users – each user will choose the tribe he want to belong to.

All points that users collect within GFoundry will be added to the Tribe they belong to, helping their Tribe to rise in the rankings. Tribes can only be created by the backoffice administrator.

Social interaction and sharing using Tribes

Members of a tribe can view the comments and comment in order to share ideas, thoughts and useful information.

Does Tribes appear in Ranking lists?

Yes! Ranking lists can be segmented my Individuals, Tribes and Teams:

How to create a new Tribe:

After navigating to the Community Management tab you can create a new tribe by pressing the "New tribe" button you will be able to set a name, image and description to the new tribe you want to create.

How to edit a Tribe:

By pressing the "Edit" button under "Actions" you will be able to edit the Tribe. Here you can change the image, the name and description as well as adding users to the tribe itself.

How to change Tribe Settings:

On the Tribes page, you will be able to edit the settings. These settings allow you to configure the maximum number of users per tribe, as well as the order in which the tribes are shown in the BackOffice. You can choose to display them in alphabetical order or have them in a fixed display.


What is a Team?

Teams can be used to replicate the organizational structure of a company, and users can be grouped by internal departments. Teams when activated in GFoundry are also listed in the rankings listings.

Does Teams appear in Ranking lists?

Yes! Ranking lists can be segmented my Individuals, Tribes and Teams:

How to create a new Team?

By pressing the "New Team" button you will directed to the the following page were you can add the name, set a image and manager for the team.

How to Edit a Team:

By pressing the "Edit" button under Actions you will be able to edit the information regarding the Team. Here you can add users, change the image, name, manager and other options. You can also delete the team if needed.

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