GFoundry infrastructure overview
Updated over a week ago

GFoundry Architecture

GFoundry is a multi-tenant and multilingual solution, available on a SaaS basis.

GFoundry can receive and send data through its API. Each account has its own back office and its own API.

Each account has associated 3 types of apps: web, iOS and Android, which can be made available under the client's own URL, regarding the web app box and in the App Store and Google Play, in the case of iOS and Android apps, respectively.

A client can also configure a multi-container solution, in which, with a single application, users can be funneled to several different GFoundry accounts, with separate and independent back offices.

GFoundry infrastructure

GFoundry infrastructure is built mainly on 4 GCP products:

Kubernetes engine

A managed environment for deploying containerized applications. We run all our services on Docker containers running on Kubernetes engine.

Cloud SQL

Managed Database service, which provides simple scaling, automatic backups and failover. Scale up to 64 processor cores and more than 400GB of RAM.

Cloud Storage

Object storage service. We store all static documents on cloud storage, from user photos to JS or css files. Designed for 99.999999999% durability

Cloud CDN

Content Delivery Network we use to serve static documents stored on Cloud Storage.

Error Reporting, Logging, Monitoring

GCP services for monitoring and alarmistics

GFoundry production environment

Our production environment runs on a Kubernetes cluster on Eemshaven, Netherlands


Designed to be independent from each other: power, cooling, networking, and control planes are isolated from other zones. Single failure events usually affect only a single zone.

Our replica pools are distributed over the 3 zones on europe-west4.

GFoundry Databases

Our Databases uses Cloud SQL, with a master on zone b and a failover replica on zone a.


Continuous health-checking and automatically fails over if an instance is not healthy.


Easily scale up to 64 processor cores and more than 400GB of RAM. Quickly scale out with read replicas.

Fully Managed

Replicated, managed and backed-up


Cloud SQL data is encrypted when on Google's internal networks and when stored in database tables, temporary files, and backups.

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